Gallery of Experience
Work, even manual work, is something indispensable for the inner discovery
Learn Through Work
We have transformed the minds of more than 120 students. Delivered 200 hrs of trainings.
Students interaction, discussion on real time problems is part of our teaching.
Batch 1

Batch 2

Batch 3

Research - Field Study
Students as part of Ethnography research. Data is collected through observations and interviews, which are then used to draw conclusions about how societies and individuals function

Design Problems from daily life
Problems ignored often

Jugaad Solutions for Desi Problems
People are good at coming up with the workable solutions for their daily problems
Copyrights - Design Guru

Design Problems - Jugaad Solutions

Planet Earth...
Contact: 9849121376 / 9908420890
email: designguruhyderabad@gmail.com